Sunday 9 September 2012

a perfect sunny Sunday .........

It's been a lovely sunny day today and I decided to have a leisurely day before the onslaught of a very busy week ahead.

The day started with a trip to a local charity car boot sale, where I bought some lovely china teacups to add to my collection, some vintage dessert bowls and a little china serving dish. Followed by a very quick supermarket shop and then back home.

serving dish
dessert bowls
The house has been so quiet, no visitors, my partner had gone to play football which left me with some lovely me time hours. I played my favourite Jack Johnson album and did some pottering inside and outside the house. I love sitting in the sunshine but it also makes me want to do jobs in the house, I tried hard to resist on the job front but did end up doing some sorting - so not such a leisurely day but still enjoyable.

I have been checking off my to do list for the wedding and things are going well - also made a list of jobs for the week as I go away for the weekend and then on Monday it's time to go on holiday - I can't wait.

Things I have planned or need to complete before the weekend -:

Meet Vicky re hen do, sort holiday clothes, do the laundry and ironing, wrap Jane's birthday present, start sugar paste decorations for baby shower cakes.

Meet Jane for coffee, start planning baking list and shop for ingredients

Look after Zachy and Noah - meet up with Laura re hen do

Bake cakes for baby shower commission

Bake cakes, scones, meringues for crafternoon tea (hen party afternoon tea), pack for London, decorate baby shower cakes, fit in visit to the beauty parlour for manicure and pedicure.

Pack car with cakes, vintage teacups, cake plates, and  cake stands, jam jars and knitted covers, travel to London with Laura and Vicky

Travel back from London, unpack and re-pack for holiday tomorrow

Monday - holiday!

I can't decide if the list has helped or made me feel slightly hysterical ............... but on a calming note I have started another baby blanket, this one in pinky shades.

comfy chair waiting, crochet at hand - just need a cup of coffee

talk soon Sue x

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