Monday 10 September 2012

ticking jobs off my list ...........

I've had a productive day, everything on list completed and actually quite a bit more besides. Vicky came over to discuss the hen do and ended up giving me a hairstyle make over - I quite fancied having a few curls in my hair so Vicky had a go with the curling irons, I was really pleased with the result.

Washing and ironing all done and I managed to fit in some baking as well, Pam had given me a Jamie Oliver recipe for banana muffins which she makes when she has over ripe bananas that need to be used up. I had three ripe bananas looking at me this morning and I felt unable to put them in the compost so you will be pleased to hear that I had a go at making the muffins. They were so quick and easy to make and turned out really well, I added a bit more texture by adding a handful of sultanas to the recipe. I was still in a baking mood and had all my ingredients to hand so I made a batch of plain scones to go with some strawberry conserve and clotted cream I had in the fridge.  All sounds yummy but I am still on my diet and due for a weigh in on Thursday so unfortunately none for me. 

I spent some time in the afternoon working on the baby shower decorations, wrapped my friends birthday present and then had a lovely treat which I had booked last week but had forgotten to add to my list. Pam collected me and we went to the new Clarins spa for a massage, mine was a relaxing and vitality enhancing massage with lovely essential oils,  Pam's was a full body massage that used essential oils and hot stones, we both felt so very pampered and relaxed when we came home.

After cooking dinner I spent the rest of the evening watching tennis and doing some of my crochet, a lovely relaxing end to a busy day.

I hope tomorrow is as productive
Talk soon x

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