Sunday 18 November 2012

Christmas Markets and lunch at the Hilton .....

I have had such a nice few days and Saturday was really special. It started with lunch at the Hilton in Manchester with a lovely glass of champagne as an aperitif. It was all the more special as unbeknown to us Manchester City Football Team (I am a third generation fan) stay at the Hilton when they have home games - so I saw my favourite team up close and personal as they were leaving the hotel on their way to play Aston Villa (to top the day off I later found out that they had won 5-0 yeah)

After our sumptuous lunch we spent a few hours wandering around the Christmas Markets in Albert Square, then we walked to Kendal's, which is one of Manchester's oldest and most famous department stores. I hoped to get some inspiration for my partner's Christmas presents but unfortunately I failed, however I did find two amazing sweaters for me!

Manchester Town Hall .....

Then it was time to get the train home - I had a few parcels of goodies to take with me but I can't photograph them just in case a few people I know catch a glimpse of my blog before Christmas!

Talk soon x.

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