Thursday 22 November 2012

yarn along.......... a little late

It's hard to believe another week has gone by since Ginny's last yarn along post, and unfortunately I am now a day late. I have been knitting more of the Witu scarfs and have just tried doubling the number of stitches for the width of the scarf and reducing the length, which uses the same amount of yarn but makes a fatter shorter cowl, which has worked really well.

When I am busy knitting I often dream about running a successful cottage industry and supplying well known retailers with my knitted and crochet accessories, whereas the reality is I have the occasional commission and exhibit infrequently at local Craft Fairs and Christmas Markets. I feel that I need some inspiration so I have started to read a really interesting book that Kate bought me a few months ago, Craft Business Heroes by Alison McNicol.

It's about the experiences of 30 Entrepreneurs who kindly share the secrets of their crafting success. The book has filled me with motivation and some new ideas - you never know until you try.

My stock of finished products is reasonably healthy as I have been quite productive over the last few weeks in preparation for Christmas and a couple of local Christmas Markets that I have signed up for. 

I am now motivated to start photographing my work again and listing them on my folksy shop, which currently is either empty or has about 2 items listed, it needs a little more love and attention. I have also decided to explore Etsy, as I know lots of people are very successful on this online site..

talk soon x

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